Graphics - Illustrator

During this lesson, we learned how to use the Selection Tool, Direct and Group Selection Tool, the Pen Tool and how to use Fill and Stroke Tool. The difference between the Direct Selection Tool and the Group Selection Tool is the with the Direct tool it selects all points on a path whereas, the Group Selection Tool allows you to select any point on the path. I found it quite easy to create a square and the triangles as they where straight lines but I found it quite difficult to create circles and the curved lines but as I practiced these more I found it become easier to use.

During this lesson, we learned how to use the Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon and Star tool. We then drew the shapes by pen, using the shapes and clicking on the screen to select the shape I wished the shape to be. It was quite easy to do this apart from drawing the shapes with the pen tool. The Fill and Stroke Tool allows you to select the colour you want the shape to be and the Stroke Tool allows you to select the color you want the outline to be but you can also change Stroke Weight. 

Here I used the Pen Tool to draw the dot-to-dot duck, I found this quite difficult to do as I struggled using this tool when it came to drawing the curved lines, however, I quite like using this tool when I have straight lines to draw. 

Here I used a Template to help me draw the general outline then I used layers to build up the outline, the writing and the colour so then they weren't on the same layer and if I wanted to edit the one part I could do it easier as the had there own layers whereas if they didn't it'd be quite difficult. I also used the Pathfinder Tool which allowed me to create a single shape using other shapes which would be quite difficult to draw using the Pen Tool alone.

Here is the Brush Effect Tool. It allows you to change the style of the brush and how the colour is applied. Some of these could be quite useful but as I wanted mine to look quite realistic and it was very structural I felt that you couldn't really use any on my piece of work.

Here is my drawing with the template still showing through.

Here is my drawing without the template, I feel if I spent more time outside of class it would of been completely finished however, I quite like the effect on the windows and how quite cartoony it looks. What I found difficult to do however was add the colour but as soon as I got use to doing it, I found it quite simple. What I didn't like about this was how difficult it was to draw using the Pen Tool. I found it quite interesting and a lot better then using photoshop. The reason I found it quite interesting is because I've never used this software before and I find it a lot simpler to use then Photoshop. If I could do this all over again, I would start with a much more simpler picture and spend more time on it.

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