Townscape Photography Evaluation

               Through this part of the project, I only found myself enjoying one part of it and that was creating the Panorama and Layered pictures as all the different effects I could create was interesting and it was more fun then going out and taking the pictures. However, I did quite enjoy taking the Double Exposure pictures as it gave me the chance to create layered images without the use of a computer. I feel my strength in this part of the project was creating the layered and panorama images on the computer as I already knew how to use Adobe Photoshop. I also feel my strength was collecting my primary research that helped influence my work. I feel my weakness for this was using the film camera to take pictures as I didn't really concentrate on how much light was getting into the camera and I didn't really concentrate on the composition on how I took the picture. I feel if I was to do this part all over again, I would be able to create images a whole lot better then the ones I have actually managed to create this time around.

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